Kashgar, China to Kulyab, Tajikistan

We have done a lot in the last two weeks – too much to describe here in detail. So here is a summary, with photos!

We rode from Kashgar across the border into Kyrgyzstan.

We rode for four days through beautiful green fields surrounded by mountains, before moving on to Tajikistan.

In Tajikistan, we crossed several high mountain passes, including the highest point of our tour at over 4,600m.

Then we descended to Khorog, where we camped outside of a nice hotel, and celebrated the birthday of our Tour Leader, Sharita.

For the next nine days we biked along the Pamir Highway, following the Panj River which is also the Afghanistan/Tajikistan border. We now have another two days of riding to get to Dushanbe, and we are over half way through the entire tour!



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